Quick Inquiry

Booking Information

Check in

from 1 p.m. or depending on availability

Check out

in winter until 9 a.m.
in summer until 10 a.m. or on request


we accept cash payments


are unfortunately not allowed with us

Non smoking apartments

Our holiday apartments are non-smoking apartments; please enjoy the cigarette outdoors (on the balcony or in front of the house)

Cancellation Policy

the terms and conditions of the Austrian hotel industry apply as agreed

Appart Ambiente

Familie Kurt und Irmi Stadlmeyer
Aufeld 14
6280 Zell im Zillertal
Tirol Österreich

Tel: +43 05282 7171
Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://www.appart-ambiente-zell.at

Logo Zillertalarena

Logo Zillertal

Logo Gauderfest